Atleast I am going there a lot and you woudn't believe the time I have spend there drooling on each of her desserts and cakes.
So in one of my routine visit, ( well i go there a lot and sometimes i watch and read the post which i have done earlier, but I do them again) I saw the delicious dessert, that I told myself wow I am gonna make this and that is what i did.
Made this super delicious Saffron and Vanilla Poached Pears. The recipe you can find it here.
She had noted as Vanilla beans are expensive we can use essence.
But hey I have vanilla beans in abundence from my trip to India.
This is a dessert which i am going to make again and again. It is just divine, and that syrup oh that is just delicious.
I would say to my fellow bloggers to try this as it is really easy to make and super DELICIOUS
I am sending this to at Ruth Kitchen Expiriments for her

indeed delicious!!!
Delicious... yummy...
Looks every inspiring and a great dessert...
They look just awesome :) ur pear is floating in syrup!
I have pears at home..Nice way to use them.
These look so gorgeous and elegant.
The look lovely and what a great presentation.
Absolutely gorgeous.
They just look amazing and divine..
Well done! Thanks for the feedback. Isn't that syrup just amazing on its own?!!
Wow these look wonderful...
the shape of pears is so cute. Wish I had one of them right now...looks very YUM!
should try this one day. looks fresh and can believe it's scented with saffron makes it lifted to another level.
yummo! they look inviting..
pear's look so yummy! if iam not mistaken, i have seen a other flavoured pear's in your blog.
Poached pears looks so good. Even i have posted this long back. Nice recipe...
Loved those bowls...
i never understood why people baker fruit but these sure do look delicious!
these pears look so pretty standing like that! Awesome recipe.
Looks cool..that's a nice pic ...
looks beautiful by the way.
What a gorgeous picture!!! Love it
Thankyou all for all your wonderful coments.
It wa sindeed a wonderful dessert, which i am sure going to make again and again
I love the colour the saffron gave the pears and poached fruit are one of my fave desserts.
Nice presentation......i really couldnt belive u made it so beautifully.......
This is an awesome recipe and nice presentation!
Those pears look good! I have been wanting to try poached pears for a while.
I love the shape of that pear... great presentation HC!
WOW...good for you. I had these bookmarked too, but by then the pears disappeared from the market altogether! Well done...they are beautiful indeed!!
Yummy...and I love they way they stand pretty!!
wow.. looks delicious !!
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