Friday 24 October 2008

Wiener Apple Cake

When I saw this Wiener Apple cake in Angie's place I was like yupeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!

I have been searching for a recipe for making this cake from the time I ate them from the near by bakers years and years ago, but till now I had to be content from buying them from the baker as I coudn't find a good recipe for it.

So you can imagine how much happy I was when I saw it in her place.

I made the cake for last sunday to take to my inlaws place for coffee.
Mostly when i make a cake I make them for sunday as then I don't have to keep them at home, so no temptation for me to go to the kitchen and cut a slice of the cake everytime i think aobut it .
It was a realy big cake, I coudn't fit in my normal cake tin which i transport cakes when ever i make them.
So had to cover them in foil and then gave the job to hubby dear to carry them to inlaws place, while I was walking carfree next to him.

Each time when I ask him to carry something he tells me yeah make use of me as a carrier and I remark to him ofcourse why do you think I married you, I had to have someone to carry all these things :-)

Everybody loved the apple cake.
All of us took a second helping and while we were walking back home after the coffee, our huge stomachs filled with the delicious cake, hubby remarked, that he was really surprised that a huge cake had disapeared in one afternoon.
So that says about the taste isn't it ladies.
If you want to fill you stomach with this delicious cake you can have the recipe from here
Sending this to Event hosted by PheMOMenon & Almond Corner

Click on the pic if you want to see enlarged pictures

My daughter is having from tommorow on wards her Autumn holidays for 10 days. So mom is also taking a break from blogging. See you all after the break.


Yasmeen said...

Apple cake is just right for the season,deelicious:).Hope you have a great time with your loved one:)

indosungod said...

Looks so very good no wonder it disappeared so quickly. Enjoy the break.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

A delightful cake! Have a great time!



Gloria Baker said...

Dear this look awesome and yummy!!! I love all with apples!! Really nice picture too!!!! xGloria

Rosie said...

I just adore apple cake H.C. and this version looks terrific!! I can see why your family came back for second helpings - so would I have *giggle*

Rosie x

Cham said...

Apples are right at the corner HC. The cake looks awesome. Have a wonderful break!

Laavanya said...

Your description of it and the picture is very tempting :) Have a good break.

sunita said...

Lovely! Enjoy the break. R and A are breaking up for their half term too.

Finla said...

Yasmeen, yeah now is indeed the season for making apple cakes.

Indisungod Thankyou

Glori thankyou it was yummy

Rosie when ever i make a apple cake it is huge favoourite and this seems to be their favourite

Chamm thankyou

Laavanya thankyou

Sunita yeah you to enjoy with the kids.

Raks said...

Enjoy ur time with S,apple cake looks so yummy!

Angie's Recipes said...

HEH!! Yours looks so much better!!!

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Have a nice break..The way the cake disappeared in an afternoon tempts me to make this..Sounds absolutely delish!

Anonymous said...

looks great.... have fun with the break.... :)

Usha said...

The apple cake looks awesome...

Ivy said...

The cake looks awesome and I like the big pieces of apples in it.

Deepthi Shankar said...

apple cake looks very yummy .. enjoy your break

Mandira said...

have a good break, the cake is just gorgeous.

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

Apple cake looks very pretty. I would like to have a slice please!

Anonymous said...

That looks so good - I have couple of apples at home, may be I can try this cake :)

Hope you have a good time with your daughter!

Sujatha said...

Nice Apple cake, HC. I can imagine the taste from that great picture.. Enjoy your break :)

Lakshmi said...

ummm..I can smell the aroma of apple in the cake now :) looks very yummy Happy

Uma said...

LOL for "husbands are for carrying things". Apple cake looks so good and delicious. No wonder everyone wanted a second helping. Have a nice break!

Priya Suresh said...

Fabulous Apple cake...Beautiful clicks n step by step instructions..looks amazing...

pls collect hardblogger award from my blog .. u deserve it...

lissie said...

Hey F, the cake is soo tempting! you are making apple cake and me, apple muffins :))
Happy holidays! Convey my best wishes to your daughter and hubby.

lubnakarim06 said...

Have a happy and enjoyable time with your daughter. Apple cake looks yummy.

Adlak's tiny world said...

lucky in-laws to have that cake. On seeing itself our stomach are filled. so take a jolly break and enjoy with yr daughter. say my happy holidays to her.

ST said...

Apple cake looks Scrumptious HC...Enjoy the break ....
Happy Diwali to u and Ur Family!!!

Yasmeen said...

I've an award waiting for you at my blog,please collect:)

Dori said...

That's an interesting name, never heard of it... it looks delicious!

Unknown said... drooling now..want a piece..Happy diwali!!

Cakelaw said...

What a beautiful cake Happy Cook! I think you make good use of your husband;) Enjoy your break and see you when you get back.

Prema Sundar said...

That really looks awesome... Wish you a very happy Diwali to you and your family!!!

TNL said...

I'd love this with my coffee anyday! Looks really tempting.

Unknown said...

Does not the world feel upside-down? You're in Autumn and we're in Spring, next time you're in Winter, we're enjoying the heat of the sun and festive of Summer fruits. YAY!! *but I still would love to have a slice of this* hehehe

Peter M said...

Having gone to Vienna, I've had cakes like this one and it transports me back there.

Anna said...

Oh I love apples in baked goods! This would've disappeared even faster if I'd been around, haha.

Ramya Vijaykumar said...

mmm, the flaked almonds topping and color wow awesome, the right time to make Apple Cakes...

Darius T. Williams said...

Enjoy the break...

I can see why everyone loved it - it looks great!


AnuSriram said...

Thats looks absolutely perfect! I have a bag of apples... will try this!

Purva Desai said...

First time to this yummy blog...
Wiener Apple cake looks perfect and tempting

Wishing u and ur family Happy Diwali

raaji said...

thats so lovely!!!!!!
Happy diwali to u and your family!!!!

Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Hello HappyCook. I so love your photography. You are such a professional. Please come by my blog and pick up an award I have for you. Hugs.

Irene said...

Oh yes, this is great! I just bought ten (10!!) pounds of apples and I was kind of looking at them in dismay, lol.

jayasree said...

Awesome cake. Liked the first pic. Enjoy your break.

Jayashree said...

The pic looks so tempting it's no wonder that the cake disappeared quickly.

SMN said...

Yummy color and appale cake must be divine..

Hey thats a nice idea to hv a break wth ur daghter hope u guys njoy a lot

TBC said...

I just cannot think beyond chocolate or bananas when I bake. Apple cake sounds good!

Enjoy your break! :D

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

hai happy cook!!!..longg are u...the cake luks amazing..lovely..

Kitchen Chronicles said...

First time here. Came via zorra's World bread day roundup. Yummy Blog. The Apple cake looks delicious.

Sia said...

that looks really delicious HC and enjoy ur time with ur daughter :)

Retno Prihadana said...

Absolutely delicious! I like it.

Seena said...

Happy holidays!
beautiful looking cake. :)

Pravs said...

looks like a yum cake. Have a good blog break :)

Cynthia said...

I wish I lived near you. Baked apple dessert :)

Amber said...

Since you didn't post the recipe I must go to where you said. Does this have 'wieners' in it? Really? I had a sandwich spread made from hot dogs that was actually pretty good in Kansas. It looks wonderful but you have me very curious. Have a great time with your daughter. Thanks for the comment on my blog.

Indian Khana said...

Wonderful cake ..looks so mother and daughter enjoy the cake over the break ;)

Amber said...

Okay, now I am embarrassed. No hot dogs in the cake. What does 'weiner' mean in Belgium because in the US it is an old name for hot dogs, which are a form of very bad sausages? This is too funny. Now I am bookmarking the cake. Toodles.

Anonymous said...

Delicious Cake ..Never tried cake ..But seeing mouthwatering cakes in all my friends blog i think i must give a try ....

Thanks for the wonderful cake ..i have added u in my blog roll ..

vandana rajesh said...

You apple cake looks wonderful. Made applecake and just posted it at my blog too. With apples in season a wonderful recipe. Will definitely try this one.

Deeba PAB said...

Beautiful fall cale...& yes, the hubs gotta share our what if they're the maller ones LOL! Have fun with your daughter! Enjoy a well desrved break!!

Ramya's Mane Adige said...

I love apple cake... They r just apt for breakfast/brunch.... You had fun , girl!

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

That's the perfect cake it seems. It looks lovely covered with toasted almonds.
Have a nice break with the family and we'll see you back after that.

Finla said...

Amber it is cales winerner apple cake as it is ccimming from the city in Austria

Deborah said...

This sounds so delicious!!

Maria♥ said...

I love apple cake and your version looks so delicious!


lakshmi said...

Oh my, this looks so spectacular!! Who wouldn't want to try this? Going over to Angie's now :)

Mansi said...

HC, this sounds really good! and must have smelt fabulous too!

You can send this in for my Vegetarian Thanksgiving event:) I think u got confused - eggs and dairy is allowed...only No meat!

this would be wonderful for the event!:)

test it comm said...

That apple cake looks good!

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

I've never even heard of this cake. But it looks delicious! :D