Tuesday 7 October 2008

Spicy Pop Corn Chicken

I have not been blog hopping for the last days as was really busy.
Have been doing something (yesterday) which I really dislike. Cleaning up my dress cupboard. Well not just mine, have to do my daughter and hubby.

I have been putting it off to clean up, but in the end I had to do as each time I opened up to take something, I clossed the doors beeing depressed as all the things were upside down.
Summer clothes and Winter clothes were just mingled up as I started taking winter clothes as it is getting cold here, but still had not moved the sumer things.

I have to be honest , it is till not done, but it doesn't look that messy anymore.
I do like that seasons changing, actually I love it. You start eating different food, wearing diffferent clothes etc.....

Now I am sure if you are a regular visitor to Sigs place Live to Eat, you would have recoganised my popcorn chicken.
She has this wonderful blogs, with recipes, her travels, her dinning out, dinning out, did i say dinningout :-)

I love that she enjoys variety of diffferent kind of food.
Now if you want to have the recipe for this delicious chicken go to her place and check it out.
This was reallyu easy to make and it was really, really delicious.
I made it for a friday evening .
Every friday evening I make some kind od a snack to celebrate the starting of the weekend :-))))

So this is something I made on one of those friday evening.
It was just Delicious. All three of us loved it.
I didn't had small onions, so I used the large ones.

I am sending this to at Ruth Kitchen Expiriments


Unknown said...

Looks just delicious..

ST said...

Though I am vegetarian I am drooling over it...

Cham said...

I hate folding and ironing the clothes :( Hope the weather is chill over there.
Perfect spicy snack for the cold temp. The whole Kadai of popcorn chicken is not enough for me :) Droooooooling...

kamala said...

So tempting Happy cook..LOve to have a piece from it..

Mishmash ! said...

you reminded me of my mother suddenly...she was also like u..she also disliked the idea of cleaning up that godrej alamara :)

Laavanya said...

That's one of my least favorite things to do too.. - cleaning the closet... GOod that you got it out of your way.

Dori said...

Wowie, that chicken looks super tasty!

Darius T. Williams said...

You know - I have tons of chicken at home and I think I was looking for something to really cook w/it - I think this fits the bill!


Lakshmi said...

aah..cleaning the dress cabinets :( I know how much work goes into it..Good Luck.

amna said...

yep! i clearly remember seeing this on her blog :)

Swapna said...

wow...looks delicious Happy Cook!!!!

Finla said...

Divya thankyou

Sireesha hmmm so i can start converting you then :-)

Chat yeah I hate it too, one of the worst job . Hi hi when u r there , i will make sure that i make double portions then :-)

Kamala Thankyou

Mishmash oh i am with your mom then. I really dislike it too.

Lavanyaa I am so pleased that it is done, at least for a while, till i mess it up again

Meeso thankyou

Darius do make them, you will love it and it is super fast

lg thankyou

Nags you have a good memory

Cooking and the city and Swapna thankyou

Rosie said...

This looks delicious H.C. I fully agree with you re-seasons and what type of food you need to eat

Hmmm ...cleaning the dress cabinets gosh so much work goes into that - good luck sweetie :)

Rosie x

Suganya said...

Chicken looks so good. Loved those small frying pan. Nice recipe.....

Sujatha said...

ooh, my daughter is going to love this recipe.. She loves popcorn chicken, and this sounds more indian type too.. good one :)

Fitness Foodie said...

What a fun name with great ingredients.

Pam said...

I am not a fan of going through the kids clothes - it's hard to get rid of the cute things they have out grown. Your chicken looks spicy and delicious.

Finla said...

Rosie yeah indeed lot of worl go in cleaning up the clothes.

Sukanya thankyou

Sujatha, i didn't know about pop corn chicken untill I saw it in Sigs place.

Parker and easy too

Pam yeah i knwo wha tu mean, I have clothes from my daughter from when she was little till 10 yrs, but now she is 16 i give tge clothes which are small for her to a depo they give it for ppl who need it.

Maria said...

Looks like another winning recipe coming from your kitchen!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

That dish looks delicious! Droolworthy!



Finla said...

Maria and rosa thankyou

PG CakeCraft said...

what a super yummy pop corn chicken. a perfect combo with fried rice.

raaji said...

nice entry looks yummy............can i bake them instead of deep-frying????

Meera said...

Oooh, that looks just out of this world.

Cakelaw said...

A very colourful dish - well done! You would be welcome to come and tidy up my dress cupboard - I am scared to go near it in case I get lost in there and never come out :(

Sum Raj said...

wht a snack on a chill climate..drooling on it...gud entry

Madhavi said...

Something waiting for u in my blog, check it out :))


Shreya said...

i have heard so much about pop corn chicken from my daughter, whose friend's mother makes it for them. But I never asked for the recipe. thanks for guiding me to the perfect recipe. and the fact that yours look perfect is good enough reason that I can try it without worrying:-) cleaning cupboards - ive been putting it off for a month or so now..dunno when I will get to it!

ST said...

Happy Dusshera to you and Your Family HC !!!

Mandira said...

i know what you mean about cleaning up clothes! the pop corn chicken looks delicious :) happy dassera to you and your famil!

Indian Khana said...

Looks yummy...that's a nice try....Wish you and your family Happy Dusshera

Ivy said...

Wow, you just made me realize what I have to do in the next few days as it is getting colder here as well and have to put away all summer clothes. The recipe sounds delicious.

Angie's Recipes said...

Fried stuff never disappoint me....:-)
Thank you for stopping by and leaving me the kind comment on Wiener Apple Cake. I have bookmarked your blog.

Finla said...

Sweet bites yeah that is a real good combo.

Raaji I have never baked them. I think they will be ok if you bake them, but delicious if you fry them ;-)

Meera thankyou

Cale law hi hi that is exactly what i was feeling too ;-)

Suma Rajesh Thankyou

Madhavi thankyou i will be there in a jiffy :-)

Prit thankyou and happy dussera to your family too

Ivy i feel bad for you as i feel bad for me when i have to clean up.
Good luck

Angie thankyou and how cioudn't i leave a nice comment after seeing that delicious apple cake.

Thistlemoon said...

Looks yummy! :)

Yasmeen said...

Great party appetizer:)

Sig said...

Glad you liked the popcorn chicken... i havent made this in a while, you just inspired me... :)

VanPham said...

This looks YUM!

Jin Hooi said...

Looks divine!!! I am drooling over it ..

Ruth Strong said...

Happy cook, this dish is making me drool! i love it!!!

Thanks for sending it into bookmarked recipes