In one of my earlier post I had mentioned that I watch cooking programmes even if i don't understand the language.
I buy this French cooking Magazine every month even though I don't know french ( after watching a particular cooking programme in French.I have started reading the ingridients, of course it will be written Oufes which i know mean eggs I will read that in my mind but I am sure if i read it loud nobody in this whole world will understand me, this goes to all the other ingridients which i have started learning )
So as I was saying i buy this magazine every month and this month I saw this wonderful dessert. So I went and harrased my hubby dear to translate the recipe for me and i must admitt it was worth harrasing him for translating as for chocolate lovers this is a realy fantastic dessert.
I am sending this to Sunita for her Think Spice ... think Cinamon event

To Bindya of In love with food for her event These are few of my favourite things

And also to Deepz from Letz Cook she is hosting the JFI Chocolate she is like me she love chocolates.

Well this is the first time I made a dish and I can send in for 3 events. In a way it came in handy as it is a busy time now and didn't had to cook for each event :-)))) I do love to prepare different things for these event but this week it is a real busy time.
This is the last post for this year so I would like to Wish all my friends in the blog world
Surley will miss you all and will catch up with all your delicious post in January.
Few of the ingridientqs
Making the caramel
Frying aples with Cinamon
Divide the apples to the cups
Pouring the hot chocolate
250 gm Chocolate atleast 67% cacco cut in small pieces
250 gm apples peeled and chopped in fine cubes
2 slices of spice bread ( I don't know if this is the correct translation, i will check it out and correct it ) cut them in cubes
2 Sticks of cinamon
1 tsp cinamon powder
30 gm butter
90 gm fine sugar
150 gm cream
Half Litre watrer
Melt the butter add the apples with the 20 gm of sugar and cinamon powder. Cook it for 3 minutes. The apples shopuld be still crispy noy cooked.
Now take a another pan. Heat the 40 gms of sugar and stir with a spoon. Add the cinamon sticks and let the sugar caramalize till it is having a dark colour. Add bit by bit the water.
Boil for 3 minutes.
Take the cinamon sticks out. Add the chocolate pieces and the caco powder.
Whisk very good and boil for one minute.
Whisk the cream with the rest of the sugar ill soft peaks. Keep it in the fridge. So it can be cold
Now take the serving bowls. Add the apple pieces. Then add the chocolate soup.
Add the cubes of bread and top with whipped cream.
Sprinkle a bit of cinamon powder and serve .