Can you imagine it took me four tries ,this time to get feet for my Macs. If you scroll down you will see all my disasters.
Last week there was lot of disapinting grumbles coming from my kitchen.
I tried the first batch with my precious Macha Tea and they didn't hadno feet, then tried chocolate No feet, then I thought while i am anyway busy will try marble effect adding the colours last, but no feet.
Each time when hubby came to the kitchen hearing me moaning about no feet and the macs not looking good, he coudn't understand at all.
He was saying these look good to me and I was like they don't have feet and hubby I don't know what you are talking aobut , so I took him and showed one of my earlier Mac post and said that is what I mean by feet and these ones which came out from the oven don't have any and still he didn't get what all the fuss was about.
I almost gave up and then Deeba posted her Mac and she used a different recipe and I thought why not give it a try. While in Twitter she gave advice to use different batch so tht if the first one didn't had feet then you can reduce the oven temp for the next batch.
So you can imagine when I saw in my first batch itself feet. The elderly couple who live above us would have thought hearing my screams seeing the feet than I am having wild sex ;-)
Last week there was lot of disapinting grumbles coming from my kitchen.
I tried the first batch with my precious Macha Tea and they didn't hadno feet, then tried chocolate No feet, then I thought while i am anyway busy will try marble effect adding the colours last, but no feet.
Each time when hubby came to the kitchen hearing me moaning about no feet and the macs not looking good, he coudn't understand at all.
He was saying these look good to me and I was like they don't have feet and hubby I don't know what you are talking aobut , so I took him and showed one of my earlier Mac post and said that is what I mean by feet and these ones which came out from the oven don't have any and still he didn't get what all the fuss was about.
I almost gave up and then Deeba posted her Mac and she used a different recipe and I thought why not give it a try. While in Twitter she gave advice to use different batch so tht if the first one didn't had feet then you can reduce the oven temp for the next batch.
So you can imagine when I saw in my first batch itself feet. The elderly couple who live above us would have thought hearing my screams seeing the feet than I am having wild sex ;-)
I was so excited seeing the feet in the first batch that i fast sprinkled karkaday which we bought from Aswan when we were in Egypt. on top of the next batch.
I was very pleased that I added the powdered karkady as it gave a nice tnagy taste .
Recipe from Deeba: Adapted from Ottolenghi - The Cookbook
110gm icing sugar
60gm almond flour
60gm egg whites (of 2 eggs) ( I aged the eggs for a day)
60gm egg whites (of 2 eggs) ( I aged the eggs for a day)
40gm castor sugar
Few drops of any food colour
Karkade powder for sprinkling
Few drops of any food colour
Karkade powder for sprinkling
Whiz the almond flour and icing sugar in the coffee grinder and sift 2-3 times
Whisk the egg whites and castor sugar till it forms a thick aerated meringue, firm but not too dry.
Turn the nut mixture into the bowl, and fold gently to get a lava type batter.Hold the tray firmly and tap the underside firmly. This should help to spread and smooth out the macarons.
Leave out, uncovered for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 140C (the original recipe has 170C).
Bake in preheated oven for about 12-13 minutes. They are ready when they readily leave the paper when liften with a palette knife. Remove from oven as soon as this happens, and leave to cool completely.
Whisk the egg whites and castor sugar till it forms a thick aerated meringue, firm but not too dry.
Turn the nut mixture into the bowl, and fold gently to get a lava type batter.Hold the tray firmly and tap the underside firmly. This should help to spread and smooth out the macarons.
Leave out, uncovered for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 140C (the original recipe has 170C).
Bake in preheated oven for about 12-13 minutes. They are ready when they readily leave the paper when liften with a palette knife. Remove from oven as soon as this happens, and leave to cool completely.
1 1/2 sticks (6 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
Few tbsp of Cream Cassis (Blcak currant) liqueur
Put the sugar and egg whites in a large heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and whisk constantly, keeping the mixture over the heat, until it feels hot to the touch, about 3 minutes.
The sugar should be dissolved, and the mixture will look like marshmallow cream.
Pour the mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment and beat the meringue on medium speed until it cools and forms a thick shiny meringue, about 5 minutes.
Switch to the paddle attachment and add the butter, one tablespoon at a time, beating until smooth. Once all the butter is in, beat in the buttercream on medium-high speed until it is thick and very smooth, 6-10 minutesAdd the casis liqueur to the buttercream and fold with a spatula until fully incorporated.
If not using right away, refrigerate for up to a week or freeze for up to 1 month.
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beautiful..looks so delicious..
ummmmm:-) hppy festival..
Congratulations and celebrations when I tell everyone that I got feet!......
They look lovely. I still haven't found my feet, and think I'm going to give up.
Wow what a visual treat. I would love to have some...
It looks great...Lovely click.
I am slowly starting to understand this feet business. It is indeed worth a shout even if it scares neighbors.
I just love the color of karkady not the taste. Lived for 3 months in Egypt and that was the only thing I could never bring myself to like.
OH LADY!!!! You have to stop tempting me to get my sugar pot out and save me!!! Butter cream in Macaroons are to die for! :))
It's warm 53F and sunny here today!
Ha, are funny :) Seriously HC, who ate all those macaroons ?
HAppy, these macarons looks fab...bravo!
Bong Mom, Made them yesterday , and we had few yesterday itself, then today with tea, planing to take few to my inlaws place.
Oh you are just too COOL f...gosh look at them feet!! LOL...better than wild sex I tell ya! Am thrilled for you! That fkavour is calling my name. Am so glad you gave it another shot! PERFECTO!!!!
Ha ha deeba well feet with a mac that is a fact better than wild sex ;-)
What a beautiful macarons! Love the color too.
Happy Cook thhese look absolutely delicious! gloria
Wow wat a beautiful macarons, u r really have loads of patience HC..Hats off to your tremendous work..Macarons looks elegant..
I understand very well about that anticipation! Good looking Macs there!
LOL about ur scream :) Gosh U got the perfect feet for ur beauties, the color is very exciting! Karkady never knew before ....
Looks delicious.
Awesome macarons...looks so yummy and tempting.:)Love it!!
These are such beautiful macarons, looks awesome !
so beautiful, the colour is just awesome and really mouthwatering macarons...wish i could tastes some...
You make really pretty macaroons!
I see you tried matcha as well - I thought I was being original :P
Check mine out too!! Mine worked out perfectly, give it another try.
kudos for trying these! practice makes perfect and in the end you were successful!
I thought Karkady would be the name of some place in Kerala ;) Funny post!
They look so beautiful and I love the colour!
I must say you are one Macaron queen..want to try once..will try out definitely..
Congrats on the success - these look absolutely wonderful and I love the sound of the cassis butter cream!
More feet! with lovely flavors and colors. Kudos you HC.
Wow that was a good story about ur hard work. They look simply beautiful and so delicious
THey looks super delicious and perfect...wish I could grab some
this looks soo it.
new here..wonderful collection
Well done! Next, you'll be addicted to bake more macarons hehehe...
Looks So yummy...
I like your persistence and never - quitting attitude. Hope that now the cookies are delicious as they look. Nice click as well.
your macarons are superb bravo to you !
Pierre a french foodie in Paris
come and visit my blog you are very welcome ! PIerre
You did it ! What perseverance.
:-) Every mac hopeful knows about feet. I actually say an Ikea Cookbook with recipes for macs, they looked GORGEOUS but they had no feet. I was STUNNED. I hope you didn't bin your feetless macs???
Fabulous macarons! Sometimes we have to keep on trying, but hey, I bet the other 3 batches were still super tasty! :-)
What perfect looking macarons! And very unusual flavours - karkady is new to me. Congrats!
These are beautiful. I have never attempted macarons. Are they as tasty as attractive? And I still don't get what you mean by feet but like I said, I have never attempted them.
Congratulations on the feet....some patience you have lady!! I would have definitely given up :)
Such a classic one..:)
Looks so cute and lovely.
I remember seeing this in Deeba's and Meeta's places..:)
Dear HC, I would never ever ever have the patience to bake such delightful 'feet'!! :) So glad they finally worked for you -- I can read your posts and dream :)
Kitchen butterfly, the rest of the tree did taste good, but as i was so disapointed after eating few i did bin them to the disapointment of my daughter.
Amber feets are those beautiful frills you see under the mac, well i think it is that ;-)
U r a macaron specialist..wish i can come over to urs for a macaron treat..
Your macarons look wonderful, love the idea of casis buttercream - sounds delicious!
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