Tuesday 24 June 2008

Vanilla panna cotta with balsamic berries

I have been thinking what to post before I go for Two months of holiday to India.
Yeah yeah you read it correct, we are going to India for 2 months :-)

Lately I have been seeing so much of street food from India thanks to Sia's of Monsoon Spice event Street food.
So I am planing to eat lot of street food soif I come bak like a BALL you all know who to blame :-)
So as i was saying have been thinking what to post before I go for holiday, I thought why not a dessert. I had made this Two weeks ago but has been kept aside for this in mind.

Now first time I made Panna cotta It was a Disaster.
I did exactly as the recipe said but it was not setting i know i know not enough gelatine.
I didn't give up, I started making it again the next day with a totally different recipe and there it was this nice set panna cotta.
It is such a easy dessert to prepare, but the taste was so DELICIOUS.
The sweet taste of the panna cotta and the sharp taste you get from the fruits with the balsamic vinegar was so good.
I am surprised how both of them compliment each other.
Sending this to Martha of An italian in the US for her

I do hope you all will give it a try making them. As now strawberry season is in full swing.You can also add Raspberry but i didn't had any in stock.

Ingridients for the Panna cotta.

1cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup Sugar
3 teaspoons powdered gelatin , add two tbsp of water to the gelatine powder and leave it for few minutes.
2 tsp Vanilla essence.

Add all the ingredients to a pan and bring to a boil.
Add the gelatine mix and stir fast and then pour the mixture to moulds or glasses.
Set in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

For the Balsamic berries.
200 gm strawberries hulled and sliced if they are big ones
150 gm Raspberries ( i didn't have them)
150 gm blueberries
20 to 30 ml or accoring to your taste, good quality balsamic vinegar.
50 gm sugar.

Place all the fruits together with the balsamic vinegar and thesugar into a large bowl and toss together. Allow to marinate for three hours, tossing occasionaly.

For plating the dessert i dipped the moulds in hot water very brieflt to loosen it.Tip them out into the middle of the plate and spoon the balsamic berries around the edge.Enjoy the exqusite dessert.
Will see you all in September. Wishing you all a wonderful Summer.


FH said...

OH!! You are leaving me already! :(

I will miss you so much but do have enjoy India and have a wonderful time. You deserve it. Shyama probably will be in college next year or next time you visit India! Great opportunity to experience India for her!:)
Pannacotta looks mouthwatering. Good Balsamic vinegar is sweetish and tangy, I love it too.
Hugs to you F, mail me when or if you can from there with few photos! Love ya sister girl! :))
Happy Birthday to Hans, have a great time! Hugs and kisses to you.

Laavanya said...

I've been wanting to make panna cotta at home.. This looks so beautiful. 2 months in India - super! :) Enjoy yourself and have a lot of fun!

Rajitha said...

have tons of fun in India :)...and enjoy all the chaat...can i say i am jealous :)

Sia said...

will miss u HC... have a wonderful time in India and eat an extra plate of bhel puri and dahi batata puri on my behalf ;)

Finla said...

Asha I will miss you also but thenyou are also going for a break soon.
Yeah that is what exactly we said that this might be the last time that we can all go together for so long. Will sure send you mails from India when I can. And will give your greetings to Hans on his b'day.

Lavanya do try this, i woudl suggest do the berry sauce too as both of them together was super

@the_whisk_affair said...

oh dear HC, the pannacotta looks awesome! when I made pannacotta for the first time, I made a heart healthye dition, so its was too light...so it had to be unmolded very carefully!!

i didnt know u were leaving for a vacation! :-( I will miss you! But anyways, enjoy ur vacation, and bring back lots of new recipes and fun stuff for all of us to see...Wishing you a happy and safe journey!

Peter M said...

Happy, what a nice way to sen off before your vacation in India. Enjoy your vacation and comeback rested, in good health and with lots of cooking inspiration.

ST said...

Panna cotta looks mouthwatering and inviting......Enjoy yourself and have lot of fun!I will miss u so much....Wish U a Happy Journey......

TBC said...

I have a panna cotta post that has been sitting in my drafts for so long now!

Have a wonderful time in India with family and friends!

Sum Raj said...

ur dish is absolutly out of the world...enjoy urself and do miss us too....:)

Cham said...

Lovely panna cotta HC, I am going to miss u for 2 months :( Enjoy the trip with ur family.Come back with a Bang!

Finla said...

Rajitha will sure have lot of fun.

Sia thankyou and hi hi i knew you would fatten me up bhel puri and dahi batata puri will surley try them. You know u are making me drool just thinking aobut it :-)

Jz thankyou will sure think about you when i am ther and miss you too

Peter I will sure for do that

Sireesha thankyou

TBC thankyou and do post them don't let that delicious panna cotta sit in your draft

SUma rajesh and Cham thankyou and will enjoy India

Rachel said...

That is a nice treat to depart for your vacation..Have a fun time!!!

Madhavi said...

Panna cotta looks mouth-drooling, great recipe!!!Thanxxxxx for sharing..

Enjoy ur vacation dear :))

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Will miss you but have a terrific vacation. Great way to set off, with mouth watering sweet stuff!
Will wait to see you back.
I'll be going to Ernakulam for a few days in mid-July.

VanPham said...

Yeah, Panna cotta! this is great for summer, i want to try. Thanks for sharing!

Shobha said...

Nice to know that you are going to India.Home sweet home....enjoy yourself.
Panna Cotta looks yummy...will surely try it.
You know like you never gave up till you got it right....I remember when i was making my first sponge cake ..I made it thrice on the same day...i never gave up till I got the right texture......soft and spongy.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Saw on aparna's blog that you are coming over to Mumbai. Let me know if you want any street food (or any other) recommendations :)

Richa said...

enjoy ur trip hc, have loads of chaat pani puri ;)
pannacotta looks yum

ranji said...

wow HC...i also made panacotta a month back..it came out good but i faced difficulty unmoulding it so didnt post it...urs has come out sooooooooo perfect and the balsamic berries are a perfect compliment....
u goig to India???ekm?will really miss ur posts...have a nice time:)

Unknown said...

fantastic entry dear... great click and delicious... mouth watering and wonderful.

Mallika said...

Have a fantastic holiday! I am sooooo jealous.

Chef Jeena said...

Have a great time in India! :-D
This pannacotta looks so good for summer. I will miss your posts. :-)

Kalai said...

Panna cotta looks spectacular!! Have a wonderful time in India! :)

Sujatha said...

Have loads of fun in India! and make sure to enjoy all the street foods as you have mentioned in your post, and don't forget to update us when you come back!!

Nice enticing recipe to post before leaving for a vacation! Have a safe trip dear.

test it comm said...

That looks great! I have been wanting to try panna cotta for a while now. Have a great vacation!

Srikitchen said...

thatz delicious and mouth watering....

Unknown said...

lovely dessert...have a rocking time in india and do enjoy the street food..you dont get to do taht abroad..

Cakelaw said...

This looks devine!! Those berries look so luscious scattered around the panna cotta. I wish it were berry season here :(

Cakelaw said...

PS Enjoy your holiday Happy - lucky you!

Sunshinemom said...

Wow! Looks great - fitting bye bye! Enjoy the long break. Mansi Desai has done this recently too, isnt it?

Uma said...

delicious panna cotta, HC! Yummy. have a wonderful time in India. Have fun.

Lia said...

ur pannna cota looks invitating, great dessert for sunny day!

Sig said...

Have a lot of fun in India HC.... and take pictures of all the yummy street food and bring them back for us :) Panna cotta looks perfect and delicious.... :)

Srivalli said...

wow..you are coming here for 2 months??..you should visit us for sure!..pannacotta looks great!..and many many happy returns to Hans!...

Jaya M said...

Happy ,
have a nice holiday, take loads of pic and dont forget to share with us , your feelings , home-coming and reunions ..enjoy
will miss you and your lovely posts ...
hugs and smiles

lakshmi said...

have a good trip :) - never tried panna cotta - i am digging for a recipe that doesn't use gelatin - any ideas?

Jayashree said...

The panna cotta has set perfectly.
Have a good vacation.

Chibog in Chief said...

oh my dear friend what a delicious goodbye treat you left for us :-) pannacota with balsamic berries.;so exotic so chic!

Swati said...

Hapy Cook, I have never made this before but t looks amazingly pretty...
Have a wonderful holiday..best wishes to you!!

Unknown said...

Delicious...my entry for afam also has jello in it.Vacation...nice..enjoy..

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

happy holidays and this recipe is a must try for me....

Namratha said...

Wow, this looks perfect H, love it!

Hetal said...

lovely recipe...

Andhra Flavors said...

Will miss you but have a terrific vacation.
Panna cotta looks drooling..

Vaishali said...

Have a lovely holiday in India, Happy.

Unknown said...

wow! i think we are in the similar pathway of thinking--great minds think alike, they say--i'd love to make pannacotta. and looking at this, i make sure i'll make this soon! looks so creamy, Happy!

Anonymous said...

I have never had panna cotta but I do want to have it now.

I have something for you on my site.

Anonymous said...

my kids love panna cotta... i'll definitely try your recipe... thanks for sharing your finds... enjoy your trip... :)

Ti said...

i Luv pudding..

Cham said...

I know u r in vacation, could not pass it before this award. But i am passing right away. Enjoy ur stay in India...

Sunshinemom said...

Tagged you for a meme - do it if you have the time:)

ICook4Fun said...

Take care Happy Cook and enjoy your holiday in India. Can't wait for you to come back and show us more of your wonderful creations.

Divya Kudua said...

you've been tagged-


Finla said...

Thankyou for the well wishes from everybody for our holiday.
Will see you all in september :-)
and do all the tags when i am back in blogging.

Viji said...

Have a nice time F. Vanilla Panna cotta has set well. Thanks for passing the award too. Viji

Anonymous said...

These are just beautiful! I love panna cotta!

Cynthia said...

The balsamic berries in particular is what excites me.

Coffee and Vanilla said...

Wow, I love it... panna cotta and balsamic berries sounds very good... strawberries taste delicious with balsamic, never tried other berries but it is a very good idea! :)

Miri said...

Have a great vacation and come back with lots more inspired recipes!! :)

Seema said...

Great dessert!!
2 months in India.. Have a good trip & if you come by to Chennai - mail me & we can meet up.

Have a sweet surprise for u on my blog.. check it out!

@the_whisk_affair said...

hope u r haing a great time in india, HC!!

Meera said...

Happy Summer, to you too. Enjoy!!

Linq said...


This is Alpesh from Linq.in.I thought I would let you know that your blog has been ranked as the Best Recipes Blog of all time.

Check it out here Award

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Mike of Mike's Table said...

Nothing as frustrating as when a dessert goes awry. Glad it went better this time--it looks awesome! Also, hope you enjoy your (long) trip to India!

EC said...

Hope u are having a wonderful time...when u are back, add this magic lamp to your blog...the link is


Pallavi said...

Happy Cook, There is an award waiting for you on my blog.. check it out..

ST said...

Wish U A Happy Friendship Day Happy Cook :))

EC said...

I have another award for u here....http://simpleindianfood.blogspot.com/2008/08/dal-palak-paratha.html

Maria♥ said...

Oh wow this looks delicious! Have lots of fun in India!


Rosie said...

Panna cotta and balsamic berries sound & look delicious H.C. I hope you are having a great holiday sweetie :)

Rosie x

Anonymous said...

Your panna cotta is simply perfect! You've inspired me to finally try making it myself.

Sangeeth said...

my first time here...u have cool recipes and hoping to learn more from here

Pavani said...

hi vanilla panna looks so great,thx for sharing the recipe.and ur blog is so good

Sunshinemom said...

The first picture is lovely!! Nice recipe too! And regarding elder sis - I must ask my younger sister:)

Ria Mathew said...

I made these and they were so delicious! It's up on my blog :)