This is something one should not make when one is in a diet.But then if you are like me, i would not be able to make them anytime as i always think I am in one or another diet expirement :-(((
Oh I do miss the days when one could eat anything one wanted and never gained a single gram.
Now a days I tell to my MIL I just have to pass by any kind of food, it automatically jumps into my body and stay there !!!!!!!!!!!! but then she replies well I am sure the food is not Jumping but your hand is grabbing them. Which I totally agree.
I think every few months she too comes up with different kind of diet or she buys a different diet book and try them.
And then she tell us what is good about this diet planning and then the whole family goes to this diet plan for few weeks and we give up till she brings up another one.
You woudn't believe in the last 17 years I have known her how many different diet we all have tried with her.
The first one I tried with her was years back Weight Watchers.She and I used to go tegether for that.
Then there was this Montiniac .... then the most famous diet cabbage soup diet.... then once we all did this diet with all kinds of different seeds, we were all feeling like birds eating these seeds....I can go on and on there will be no end to the different diets.
I have to say that I have a great MIL. She is always there for me. For good times and bad times.
So as I was saying the begning of the post before I started babling, this is certainly not a dish for dieters, but then who bothers, once in a while one should indulge.
Well that is my excuse always but then once in a while is more often than I dare to admit my indulging in all the different food I Love.
Cream Poured over the potatoes
800 gm potatoes, slices very thin.
50 gm butter
2 garlic cloves. ( Normally they rup the pan with garlic, but i love the taste of garlic in this dish and I mix the finley chopped garlic with the cream)
500 ml Cream.
a small pinch of nutmeg optional.
Salt and peper to taste.
50 gm grated cheese.
Preheat the oven 170°C.
Wash the sliced potatoes and dry them in a towel. . Spribkle them with salt, peper and nutmeg.
Butter a oven proofdish and aggange the potatoe slices.Pour the cream mixed with garlic.
The cream should cover all the potato slices. Add knobs of butter on top. Bake them in the oven for 40 tà 60 minutes.15 minutes before the cooking time is finished sprinkle with the grated cheese on top. So that the cheese gets brown.
I seved them with Lamb Chops. Will post that recipe another time.
When the dish comes out from the oven it is really hot, so leave it for 10 minutes before serving them. You don't want to burn you mouth do you.I am sending this to Sia of Monsoon Spice for her event

I make this Potato Au Gratin sometimes from the box of course and we love it with meat dishes!:)
You know sometimes, you just shouldn't think about calories and eat a dish without feeling guilty.As long as you make it often and enjoy every spoonful when you do make it, I think it's fine! Life is too short to feel guilty!:)))
Looks yum and great entry too. Enjoy and then go for a walk if you have to. You have got a nice MIL btw!:)
Looks great HC... I believe that everyone should indulge once in a while... Life is too short for extreme diets... :D Moderation with occasional pigging out is the key... ;)
oh a real french treat!!gratin dauphinois is perfect with anything!! nice job!!
Great one, Happy, parayathe vayya, you have a nice MIL ! :)
I haven't tasted this type of dish yet,
While commenting here, I just clicked the other tab for checking mail, then you are commenting there, surprise.. :)
Love it. I've made a cauliflower au gratin...never tried it with potatoes. Your dishes have the fanciest names!;-)
This is such a fancy name and looks good too. Enjoy your MIL and the attention :-)
I should on diet, but I couldn´t stop to eat delicious dishes like your gratin :))
Asha here i served them with Lamb chops, will post that recipe another time. Yeah i know one should not feel guilty. While indulging.
Shyama loves this dish and she oftne ask me when am i going to make it.
Sig but as you see from my posts i indulge more than ogten :-)).
Dhanggit yeah it is indeed a realy french treat
Seena yeah true my MIL is really great. We must be one the same wave length :-)
TBC yeah i do it with brocoli as hubby is not a fan of cauliflower.
I have this cooking book and each recipe is given with the original name.
Red chillies thankyou
Retno Prihadna, yeah i too love this dihs. Thinking about it makes me hungry
It was so funy to read about all the diets you have been with your MIL :) The dish looks delicious and am sure that the taste must make you forget about diets.. albeit temporarily :)
Fun reading ur diet. I know it is not at all a diet dish this gratin Dauphinois. I made many times but a lighter version, cream subst with fat free milk and less fat cheese. A guilt free meal. Bravo!
Lavanya the taste was superb. And i have to admit i did eat a lot, i love this dish. Actually we didn't had any leftovers and we are just with three.
CHam thankyou. Next time for a daily use i will try to make the low fat one, but i do have to say i love the fully fat vezrsion of this dish :-)
Happy, potato gratins are one of the best potato dishes out there, including yours.
Nevermind the guilt, eat it up!
Looks delicious... Its new to me but looks like a must try recipe...
This looks awesome HC! I saw a similar dish on FN and I was so hooked to the taste! nice one girl:)
Lucky you. My MIL forces so much food on me when i go to India, that I put on a lot. But now that I have a son, all of it transfers to him, so i am safe.
Never made this but looks so good.
Wow!never heard abt this one..pic looks yummy and delicious...keep rocking...
This is one of the reasons I dont diet. I love food and cant imagine having to let go off my fav list. Moderation and Exercise would be my motto. ( Note: I said "would be" - I am not doing both from what my mirror tells me :) ) Your creamilicous entry is making me drool girl. You would put even the most ardent dieters into turmoil! :) Thanks for sending it my way :)
I remember my mom always going on different diets, I always thought it was funny cuz I knew how it was gonna end up...and the potatoes look awesome!
My Dear Happy Cook, why on earth would you need to go on a diet ? Your Potato Gratin looks superb by the way, my daughter Chloe can live on that alone!
hey hc, dish looks very good. I can't believe that u diet so much, you look so slim in ur profile pic :)
I love potatoes and my daughter will whole heartedly agree with the sentiment.
Some of the richest food, caloriewise, is the best tasting. So once in a while its ok.
I have been wanting to make this dish from a cookbook I have, but still haven't gotten down to it. After looking at yours I think I really have to Happy...looks yummy! :)
surely have to try this! a nice n unique entry to the event :)
Looks truly divine
hahah..nice to read about your diet plans..sounds great...but why go to such extremes? should indulge in all sorts of greasy food too!..that looks great!
hi happy cook!! i totally agree with is too short so enjoy ...don't think so much. your dish as usual looks divine.I do make vegetable au gratin with white sauce and cream..but this looks quite different.
dish looks so yummy..hoe you would have enjoyed..i did enjoy your write-up.
This looks so good!!!! I haven't had potatoes like this in a while!
its ok to forget abt dieting sometimes and indulge in something like this HC:) i am so glad u kept ur promise and sent me this delicious entry. hope u have run few miles on treadmill after eating this;) just kidding! don't shoot me;)
Looks great.. Loved reading about your diet too... will try this sometime...
Peter, well i feel guilty when i make them but never guilty when i eat them :-)
Anusriram do try they are delicious
Manasi yeah in my place all of love this dish, my daughter ofeten ask when i am making it again
Vimmi lucky you.When i go to Idnia my mom tell me eat more as i have look thin and i tell her you know mommy how much hard work it took me to loose all my overweight.
Dhvya thankyou
DK well i wish i was like you. If i don't take care i will blow up, after starting blogging i've put on 3 kg. Which i am desperatley trying to loose before the summer as i am sure i won't be able to fit into my summer clothes.
Meeso yeah i know what you mean, you are really correct it never last
Oh for the love... my daughter loves this dish too.
Richa You woudn't believe if i tell you few years back i was really heavy and went for a diet and lost atleast 15 kilos. So now i always take care not to put on back that.
Aparna I too love potatoes. And i do agree with you
Namratha do try it is so easy and once you make them you too will be hooked on it
Nags do dry and you only need few ingridients
Easycraft thankyou
Srivalli i do i do more often than i dare to admitt.
Saswati i make with a white sauce when i do brocolii
Lavanya Raj Thankyou
Ruthbabes now that i reminded you, you can try them again ;-)
Sia where is my gun to shoot you. Can't find them :-) Yeah i do run 5km twice a week on the beach.
Sandhya thankyou.
wow, what a yummy entry! Very nice.
Hi Happy, I also agree that a treat doesn't hurt once in a while. Oh and boy just look at those mouth watering gratin dauphinois -yum-yum this dish goes great with anything!
Rosie x
Hi Happy, I also agree that a treat doesn't hurt once in a while. Oh and boy just look at those mouth watering gratin dauphinois -yum-yum this dish goes great with anything!
Rosie x
Like you said, this is definitely not for the strict dieters.....but I think it looks good.
Yummmmmy. I agree with Sig. Indulge my dear and enjoy everything that is food....well at least once in a while. Awesome recipe.
Love this unique potatoe preparation Happy.
Looks yum. Reminded me of potato Au gratin!
Your MIl is so sweet.
Wonderful entry for potatoes.
Looks great & mouth watering! Once in a while indulging in heavy fatty food is ok.....Calories... Yes, If that word was not there! Your so right when we were kids anything & every thing we ate we never gained weight & now even you smell a fatty food & weights up by a pound!
it was funny reading what your MIL said to you " your hands grabbing food " How true, we all go through all sort of diets.. so indulgence once in a while is good thing :} It's so nice you have a nice MIL.
Are you on diet F? Can't believe :)A new dish for me. Looks great. Viji
Uma thankyou
Rosie i totally agree with you. And the dedish was really delicious.
Jayashree It was delicious
Anuzi and Rina thankyou
Meera thankyou she is indeed sweet, the best MIL
Seema yeah, that is what i tell my daughtetr enjoy now.
Pravs, it is true what she is saying, it is me who puts the food in my mouth :-)
V Cusine well as i said i think i am always thinking in my mind i am on a diet, but then i end up making all these creamy dishes , and i eat them, so now i dodn't know if i am on a diet or not :-)))
Cream and potatoes are hard to resist! :)
CERTAINLY not diet food...but then again life is way too short for diets!
Happy this looks so tempting I really wanted to grab my spoon as soon as I saw this recipe. :-)
wow, this is delicious. Indulgence is totally cool :) And if you are still feeling guilty, pass me a big piece!
good job with the gratin HC..shoudl try cauliflower au gratin also..i personally love it..!
Hi HC - Dieting and food blogging don't go together, na? :)I go thru these since curves of dieting and giving up dieting all-together! Have fun!
Your potato dish with cream and garlic looks delicious! My whole family would love this. I am going to have to print this out and bake it right away. Yum! Diets are so hard to stay on. I don't even like saying the word because as soon as I do, I feel hungry for something sweet =).
Hi Happy Cook, With great food like this, who wants to diet ;) Another serve please.
i can never go on a diet ... I'm willing to exercise for all hose calories , but can never control whats going in my mouth. Specially such a wonderful looking potato gratin.yum yum .
Oh gosh, we ate so much of this during the holidays and vowed to not eat it again until May. Now you're making us crave it again. If we gain any more weight from this it's your fault!!
haha, loved this post, and the dish looks very tempting to try and forget about diet :) Tne line about feeling like birds while having seeds was a good one :)
I love potato in any form and this....I could dig into with pleasure. I don't think this dish needs anything else - it can be the star of the show.
Delicious...I love gratins! Margot
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