I used tinned apricots as fresh ones are no were to seen here. And even if there was I am sure the price might be too high as it is not in season here.
I love this dessert, it is just delcious.
When you just cut open these bundles, you see these almost melted marzipan and the the fruit inside it is just so yumm.
It is not difficult to make, ofcourse if you make your own puff pastry, then for sure it will take longer. But i think life is too short to start making puff pastry. Especially when you are lucky to get wonderful quality of puff pastry from the shops
Click on the picture for bigger pic
3 squares of shop bought puff pastry
5 tbsp apricot jam/marmalade
50gm grated marzipan
6 small halfs of apricot ( i used tinned one)
1 egg
25 gm Almond flakes
For glacing.
2 tbsp jam
1tsp water.
Preheat the oven to 200°c.
Divide the jam intomiddle of each squares of pastrt. On top of the jam add the marzipan (divide them into 3 portion).
Lay the halved apricots on top of this mixture.
Eggwash the sides pf the pastry and close eack of them into a bundle. Open up on top a little bit so that the steam can escape.
Give a coat of egggwash all over the bundle and sprinkle the almond flakes on the sides and the top.
Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes ot untill they are lightly brown.
In the mean time heat the glacing ingridients and when the bundles are baked and they are still hot with a brush paint give a nice coating of the glace all over the bundle.
Leav them for cooling for 1O to 15 minutes and serve them.
You can also serve them in room temptarture.
I love marzipan and apricots. This is a bundle of goodness!
What a beautiful little bundle. Great post and step by step instructions.
ohhhh look at that creation, so very innovative:) lot of nice ingredients in a small pouch.
Wow that looks just like the display in a sweet shop, mmmm I love Marzipan, but havent got a chance to have much, you indeed make awesome sweets :)
I've never seen these before, either. They look lovely. I'm putting on weight just admiring them.:)
I can see Christmas baking has started here.
Maria thankyou they indeed was a bundle of goodness and joy :-)
Pam thankyou
Sharmi hi hi that is me, just kidding, i have some good baking books from were i get ideas.
Roopa thankyou for such a lovely comment. My daughter says i should start a cofeeshop seeling ell the bakes i make.
Aparna well i am putting on weight eating them. Hubby was saying i should stop baking this month as christmas is there soon and then there will be parties and i am like forget it i am baking now itself. Few more bakes and i am sure stopping as i too have gained weight :-(
tht was real quick,..i just published nd u were there,,..nd u knw wht i luv ur baking,,...good gng keep it up,...:-)
Those look amazing!
Oh that sounds really cool ur sweet treat HC!
lovely..luks soo yum..:)
please accept "Perfect blend of friendship award" from my page..:)
I've never had marzipan, but these look great!
Happy, almonds and apricots are a pairing I do enjoy....how about some ice cream with this?
the bundle is quite fascinating dish...so moist....
yum i lopve everything with marxipan in . these look so so yummy
yum i lopve everything with marxipan in . these look so so yummy
this is a bundle of love :)
HC, those tiny packets are a yummy wonder. With marzipan and the pastry on the outside who can resit.
i have never had marzipan..looks perfectly baked to a beuatiful golden hue pretty tempting
That looks great, must be delicious!
its dam pretty bundle...very innovative and loved the glancing shine on it...
That looks fabulous - am drooling here! :)
Now, this is more like my thing!! I would love to bite into this one and munch on real fast!
this is something really good..looks delicious..
Awesome entry! Marzipan and apricots sound amazing together! :)
nice and rich pastry.. good job lakshmi.
Nice and cute little bundles..you are so creative..I mailed u to ur yahoo account.Will mail you soon HC.
Hi thks for visiting my blog. This apricot marzipan bundle looks yumm....U can definitely send it in. Looking forward to ur entry:)
Wow - this bundle looks great!
Looks so cool,and very creative!
Oooh, these look good. We sell marzipan at my store but it is rock hard because no one buys it, I will have to look around. Yes I have it bookmarked. Love the kitchen treasures from you cupboards, sort of like a mad scientists stuff.
That looks so delicious! Great post!
Oh, that sounds fantastic! A wonderful combo!
im drooling in front of my computer this is terribly yummy!!!
ps, our hubbies are the same hahahaha!!! kisses
ps, i hope im not too late to participate on your event dear, will try my best
F, this looks seriously yummy :-)
This looks good.
Notyet100 yeah i was just blogging when i saw your post popping up ;-)
Kat and CHam thankyou
Varsha thankyou for you wonderful award
The blone duck you should try marzipan once you will love them.
Peter Icecream on top of these tarts, now you are talking, that has to be delcious.
Raaji thankyou
Snooky doodle, i totally agree
Indisungod the way you have said them i am sure everybody will love them too
Priyanka you should try them, they are delicious.
Meeso thankyou, i see that you have chenged your profile picture :-)
Suma thankyou they were indeed superb
Lavanyaa hi hi do try them they are so easy to make
Sunshinemom hi hi i am glad you love these bundles
Sowmya and Kalai thankyou
Mahimma thankyou
Kamala i checked my yahoo and didn't receive any mail from you
Vandana ok i will send this to you
Darius and Rakhs thankyouverymuch
Amber yo will loves these delcious bundles when you make them and they are easy too.
Honey B and Rosa thankyou
Dhanggit yeah i totoally agree about both. You still have 10 more days for sending in :-)
Jerri thankyou
Wwow lovely...delicious bundle..always love ur step by step instructions HC..go on rocking..
these are absolutely a stunner , my mouth is watering ,I want right now LOL ...
Hugs and smiles
wow.. looks really excellant & delicious..
I had only heard of marzipan but never seen it..They look so appetising..would love to get hold on a couple of those bundles ..would be gr8 after a nice meal :)...sounds easy..i do have some puffpastry in my freezer..have some apples..i guess they too will be gr8!!!good one HC
Interesting recipe....awesome click, very inviting....love it.
beautiful little bundle.. never heard of it.. but it looks so yum an mouth watering !! Very nicely explained
That looks so good! I really like marzipan, but I hardly ever get to use it.
very innovative and healthy.
Good Idea H.C. You give surprise filling inside puff pastries.
Suprisingly loaded bundle dear. Nice entry. I love the almond flakes you topped with.
That's definitely a new kind of dessert. Looks very good.
Just got a great deal on some dried apricots I had my eyes on for weeks so I'm quite in an apricot mood :D. Your bundles look delicious Happy!
Yum, Happy. I can only imagine biting into one of these delicious treats and finding the wonderful apricot inside. Gorgeous!
That looks so wonderful... What a beautiful recipe... Drooling here...
delectable pastries,sounds so easy to make:)
That bundle look so good and delicious!!!
I have never eaten this. Great step by step instructions.
Oh I love the step-by-step pictures! Yummmm!
very innovative. looks different.
Looks wonderful Happy! most of your recipes are new to me.. :)
Yummylicious combo of apricot and marzipan....
Happy...These look so yummy...no doubt would have tasted yummy too...and u make it so easy to bake them too...I would shop for canned apricots, jam, puff pastry and marizpan right now.
Quite an innovative and creative recipe!..Love the ingredients and the bundles :)
Quite an innovative and creative recipe!..Love the ingredients and the bundles :)
Lovely ingredients in that bundle and it is a very creative recipe.
this looks so amazing. My boyfriend loves marzipan and I really want to make this for him!
What a wonderful dish. looks gorgeous too. I would love to have one of those.
yummy apricot -marzipan bundle....really mouth watering....gr8 work....very new to me...
yummy apricot -marzipan bundle....really mouth watering....gr8 work....very new to me...
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