Wednesday 20 June 2012

Going fully Blue

F/4 - Exposure 1/250 sec - ISO 250 used 50mm lens
If you see our drink cabinet ( well you can't call a cabinet as all the drinks are kept inside a big shelf) one would think we are the biggest boosers, which is far from true, we do love a glass of wine on weekend ok couple of glasses of wine then :-) and now and then we make a cocktail, aslo we make always cocktails when we have friends over.
And one game we play with one of our good friends is they have to guess what all drinks are in the cocktail and it is so funny , they will be smelling, tasting just to find what all drinks are in the drink and by the time they almost got all the drinks in it , it will b efinished so mostly we go for second :-)
So we have so much drinks and liqueurs because every time we take the cocktail book we end up buying something new as we alwasy seems to need some new drink when we make a new one.
f/3.5 - Exposure 1/250 - ISO 250 used 50 mm lens

I am sending this to Aparna's monthly photography challenge this month, which is Less is more, So let's keep it simple
I do agree to it as if there is no props etc.... you really see the food than getting diverted to what all is surrounding the main ingridients.
But said that I do love my props, and I am coninuously buying props when ever I see something which I like.
There are shops in my town I go at least once a week, well just say more than once sometimes thrice, not tha tI buy every time props, I just go and check if they have something special and then sometimes I buy them if my budget allows me that month :-) ir I wait and buy another time .
 Blue Hawaiian Cocktail:
30 ml White rum
20 ml curacao blue
40 ml pineapple juice
20 ml cream of coconut ( coconut cream from a tin)
extra pineapple juice for dipping the glasses
Desicated coconut for rim of the glass
2 piece of fruit for decoration
Dip the rim of the glass in the extra juice and dip it to the desicated coconut.
Now add the rum, pineapple juice, curacao blue, cream of coconut into a mixer with crushed glass and mix it.
Pour the mixture into the prepared glasses and garnish with the fresh fruits.
Recipe is for one glass or one person.


Bombay-Bruxelles said...

This is a nice and refreshing cocktail :-)

sra said...

So this is like a blue pina colada? I've had the one without the rum, love it. Yours looks really nice and unusual.

Swapna said...

All ingredients are in hand so this is going to be our weekend drink Finla :)....

Finla said...

@Sra here when i amke pinacolade i use brown rum too, guess it is akind of pinacolade then it would be without blue ciracao
@Swapna, I am sure you will love it we love it and make it often.

Akila said...

looks delicious...

Gloria Baker said...

Look beautiful Finla! love it!

Alessandra said...

Hi, i found you on Arfi's blog and i cam to have a look. I have a lot of mixers and curaçao and stuff... that I never use (we don't drink many cocktails, hardly at all in fact) but i should take it out sometimes and so something ;-). thank you for the inspiration!


Bong Mom said...

Looks very pretty. Alas, i have given up on alcoholic beverages :(

Priya Suresh said...

Wow wat a stunning cocktail,wish to have this drink for our weekend too.

Spandana said...

Pretty Blue... I would love that with vodka instead of rum :)
Looks great!

Angie's Recipes said...

Very pretty! curacao blue has given it such a pretty colour.

Cakelaw said...

This is one pretty cocktail. I have plenty of alcohol in the house too but I don't drink it either - I keep thinking it will come in handy for cooking.

FewMinute Wonders said...

Such a refreshing cocktail. I love the blue color of the drink. I am following you blog now.

Unknown said...

wow, this looks sensational.. the color, the photo, everything. looks amazing!!!!!!!! love anything with pineapple and coconut. bookmarking.

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Thanks for joining us this month, Finla. We're teetotallers but that doesn't stop me from admiring the beautiful colour of your cocktail.
That texture on your background looks unusual.
Wish I had your prop shop in my neighbourhood. One more reason to come visit you some day. :)

lissie said...

love the color and the ingredients...! awesome pictures too!