Monday 29 September 2008

Orange Pannacotta with Caramalized Oranges

This is a recipe from the famous Brittish Chef Gordon Ramsay's book Dessert from a Master Chef.
I love this book as it is full with wonderful dessert recipes.Ofcourse I have give my version of the recipe.
So when I heard about the O Foods for Ovarian cancer event I thought why not try a recipe from this book.
Hubby and I loved this dessert, my daughter didn't lik it , she didn't like the taste of the liquor in it.
Of course to be honest i did made it a bit boosey, I added extra liquor to the sauce and also added extra to the pannacotta mixture.

O Foods for Ovarian Cancer Awareness MonthSeptember is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of Gina DePalma, author of Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen and Executive Pastry Chef of Babbo Ristorante in NYC, who was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, Sara of Ms Adventures in Italy, Jenn of The Leftover Queen, and Michelle of Bleeding Espresso are asking you to donate to the:

Ovarian Cancer Research Fundand then, out of the goodness of your hearts and to be eligible for the OFoods for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Contest, please do the following:Post a recipe to your blog using a food that starts or ends with the letter O (e.g., oatmeal, orange, okra, octopus, olive, onion, potato, tomato) and include this entire text box in the post;OR

If you’re not into the recipe thing, simply post this entire text box in a post on your blog to help spread the word about the event and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.ANDThen send your post url [along with a photo (100 x 100) if you’ve made a recipe] to ofoods[at]gmail[dot]com by 11:59 pm (Italy time) on September 30, 2008.We will post a roundup and announce prize winners on October 3.

Prizes:1 Recipe Prize for best “O food” concoction: $50 gift certificate to Amazon;1 Awareness Prize for only publicizing event: Copy of Dolce Italiano cookbook.

From the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund:Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women; a woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1 in 67.The American Cancer Society estimates that 21,650 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the U.S. in 2008 and about 15,520 women will die from the disease.
The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and subtle, making it difficult to diagnose. There is no effective screening test for ovarian cancer but there are tests which can detect ovarian cancer when patients are at high risk or have early symptoms.

In spite of this patients are usually diagnosed in advanced stages and only 45% survive longer than five years. Only 19% of cases are caught before the cancer has spread beyond the ovary to the pelvic region.When ovarian cancer is detected and treated early on, the five-year survival rate is greater than 92%.

Caramalized Orange skin is almost there

Caramalized orange zest and orange slices

Almost there.....

Ingridients for pannacotta:
250 gm sugar.
6 tbsp water.
150 ml milk600 ml full cream
4 leaves of gelatine soaked in cold water for 5 minutes.
2 tbsp fine grated orange zest, just the skin not the white ( I didn't add this, I added 3 tbsp of extra liquor to it)
3 tbsp Orange Luquor

Add 150 gm sugar with the water in a pan and heat it in a low fire. And let it caramalize.I made a very light caramel sauce and added 2 extra tbsp of orange liquor to it.Pour the sauce to the ramekins and let it cool in the fridge

For the pannacotta :
Heat the cream and milk and the rest of sugar in a big pan and bring it to boil. Now lower the heat and cook the mixture for 8 minutes.

Add the grated orange zest and the soaked gelatine ( squeeze out the water from the gelatine)Mix them and let it cool down.When it is cool add the orange liquor to it.Take out the ramkenis out from the fridge, divide the pannacotta mixture to it.

Keep in the fridge for few hours till it is set.

When it is time for serving take them out from the fridge. I dipp them for a second in hot water so they come loose so it is easy to plate them.I serve the pannacotta with caramalized orange slices.You can serve with any fruit you want.

Edited 7/09/08
Thanks to Ivy of Kopiaste ( she had noticed i had forgotten to write the recipe for caramel orange zest) So thankyou Ivy
You have to do few steps to make them, In the book it is noted that you can make this and keep in the fridge for a month and use them when ever you needed.

Basic syrup: ( for 750 ml syrup)

500 gm crystal sugar
500 ml water
2 slice of lemon skins

Heat a pan with the water and sugar and let it cook til the suagar is melted.
Stir once or twice.
Add the lemon skins to it.
When the sugar is dissolved cook the mixture in hight heat for 5 to 7 minutes.
Let the syrup cool, take out the lemon pieces,
You can keep this syrup in a bottle for 2 to 3 weeks.

Caramalise Orange zesrt:
Wash 4 oranges peel the skins with ( don't take ths white) cut them very fine.
Blanch them in cooking water for two minutes, reapet the process twice more.
In a small pan bring 250 ml of syrup to boiladd the finley cut orange skins cook in low heat for 3 minutes.
Take the pan from the fire and leave i the orange skinbs in the mixture to cool in the pan.

When it is cold take the orange skins and bottle it and use it when evver you need them.
You can keep this in the fridge for 1 month.

The pannacotta is really wobally. Gordon Ramsay wrote in his book that in his kitchen they call it Chi-Chi-Lina as it shakes so sexy when they take it to the table.
If you want it to have a bit solid then i would suggest addding 1 more gelatine leaf


Deepthi Shankar said...

wow tht looks delish .. i love those caramalized orande strands .. looks sooo cute

Usha said...

This looks inviting and the caramelized orange strands add such a pretty color to this :)

Anonymous said...

This does look amazing. How long did it take? We wrote about a delicious looking moist honey cake that might take a little while to cook but it is worth it! Which looks like how your recipe would be too. Yum! I love dessert!
Where Families Connect

Finla said...

Deesha Thankyou.

Usha yeah they indeed give it a beautiful colour,

Mallory it tasted amazing too :-) yeah it took a while to make them, but then it was worth it.

RecipeGirl said...

What a beautiful dessert!

Cham said...

The caramalized orange looks like crown :) Love the flavor of orange should be so good with creamy pannacotta!

anudivya said...

Candied orange rinds steal the show! So pretty!

Shandy said...

WoW! Your orange pannacotta with caramalized oranges looks stunning and delicious! I love the orange strands and your individual baking cups. The whole dessert is s showstopper!
I'll trade my blackberry sundaes with caramel sauce for your orange pannacotta any day =)

Deborah said...

What a beautiful and elegant dessert!

kamala said...

Love these oranges..Thanks for step by step pics..Looks awesome..

Snooky doodle said...

wow what an interesting blog. This looks sophisticated . Nice recipe :-)

Unknown said...

Wow.. Really awesome & fantatsic dewssort.. looks perfect & nice click

Peter M said...

I love the candied orange peel, must try this method.

Uma said...

ooh! pannacotta looks so good HC! Love the addition of orange strands.

Laavanya said...

That looks awesome and what a fabulous idea to caramelize orange strips...

amna said...

love the look of those caramelized oranges! must-try

Lakshmi said...

It looks delicious Happy! Caramelised Oranges..I am drooling now..

Raks said...

Yummy dessert with those perfectly caramelized oranges...I wish i could taste it:)

Miri said...

Yummy -feel like having that bowl of heaven right now!!

Unknown said...

beautiful dessert,,,I have seen recently in some blog,the caramelized orange skin used to decorate cake..looks yumm

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post! I will make an effort to do my part too, having had friends and family with cancer as well.
Great looking dessert and these cooler autumn days really makes my mind wander to ...desserts!

sra said...

Those orange bits look cute, almost like the hair on a cartoon character. And the panna cotta looks so glossy and perfect!

Cakelaw said...

Yummo Happy Cook - I love my citrus, and what a perfect way to enjoy it!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

This looks so very good; I wish I had one right now!

Thanks so much for participating and spreading the word :)

Chibog in Chief said...

oh my goodness, what a beautiful creation! im in love with it!

ST said...

This looks soooooo tempting and mouthwatering....I can't take my eyes out of it.Loved the presentation...

Lore said...

Love the look of the candied orange strips on top. It would make a gorgeous dessert for a fancy grown up gathering :)

Sunshinemom said...

What an elegant dessert!

Sum Raj said...

loved the pic of caramalized orange zest...and the combo colour white pluz orange is inviting me...superb click :)

Finla said...

Thankyou all for your wonderful feedback, i knew you all would love this dessert as i did :)

Maggie said...

What a wonderful posting and the dessert looks stunning!

Richa said...

mmmmm...that looks so d-lish hc! orange makes everything tasty ;)

Malar Gandhi said...

I love your are breath taking!!:))

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

This looks lovely. I remember another one you had posted, before you went on holiday if I'm right.
HC, what do you use instead of gelatine? Agar, maybe? Any suggestions?

Darius T. Williams said...

extra booze is always great - lol...great pics!


Retno Prihadana said...

Yummy. Very nice presentation H.C

Unknown said...

Looks divine..Great step by step pics!

Priyanka said...

thats one lovely dessert. the caramelized oranges add quite a unique touch.

Vani said...

How pretty & colorful that looks!

Jaime said...

ooooh i love panna cotta but i have never made it myself yet. those candied orange peels look like the perfect accompaniement too!

Sujatha said...

Thats a nice color and texture! Love the caramalized oranges too.. Great entry :)

creampuff said...

Not only does your panna cotta look spectacular, it's making my mouth water! And best of all, it's for a most worthy cause. What a tremendous event! Thanks for spreading the news!

Sia said...

F%^&**... thats gorgeous ;)

Kajal@aapplemint said...

caramelized oranges over pannacotta sound so delicious !

Finla said...

Aparna I have never used Agar,if i find a information, i will inform you

Suganya said...

WOW... This is a wonderful and creamy dessert. Looks so good. Turned out perfect for u. YUM! Loved the caramelized oranges.

Anonymous said...

what a creative way to make pannacotta... lovely... :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice indeed :)

Rosie said...

One of my favs H.C. pannacotta I made some last week. Your pannacotta caramalized orande strands look stunning!!

Ropsie x

Unknown said...

OMG, i do love this kind of dessert. perhaps i just need to substitute the liquor with something 'safe' for me hehehe... *bookmarked*

Anonymous said...

love the carmelised orange peel....i think this will make a sesational topping for many desserts....have been wanting to try pannacota for ages now.....must try this soon...

Meeta K. Wolff said...

simply gorgeous HC - i love the orange flavoring here!

Ivy said...

What a lovely way to serve panacotta. Do you have a recipe for those caramelized oranges, I would really love to make some.

Finla said...

Ivy I just read my post and thnaks to you I noticed that I have forgotten to write the recipe for caramalized oranges, i will update it on Monday,or if i can will do it tommorow.

Ivy said...

It makes you think, if people reading the recipes really read them or just hurry to leave a comment and move on. Thanks a lot. I'll check back next week. Have a nice weekend. I've added you to my blogroll and and reader, so I'll know when you post it.