Wednesday 21 January 2009

Layered Parotta

I was always fascinated while watching the road shop dabbas in Kerala, making these wonderful parotta's.
If you take a bus and when the bus stops in some main town, there will be this fellow near the bus stand making these parotta's in his small shop in the street.
Ofcourse I used to always drool watching them making and always drooled too when I saw people so much enjoying these delicious parottas.

So when I saw this in Spice Club , I remember telling her I will make these delicious looking parotas and she had given the explanation so good that even I could follow them :-)
If you want to make these delicious parottas , check out Cham's place for the recipie.
I was surprised they were so easy to make and hubby andd daughter loved them.

I coudn't roll them thin with my roller so i just used my fingers which went much easier to get a thin layer.
Good news is Shyama's computer is fixed. And it is going superfast.
Bad news, on wenesday she only have school in the morning, wenesday afternoon school are free here . So at the moment she is using the fixed superfast computer and I am here in hubbies computer :-).

I am sending this to at Ruth Kitchen Expiriments for her bookmarked recipe event.


Priya Suresh said...

Tempting layered parotta, even i loved watching the roadside parotta stalls...Always loved ur step by step doubt u would have enjoyed these crispy delicious beauties na!!!

FH said...

Oh ho!! Madam is turning to Kerala recipe now!! :D

Looks great. It's hard for me to get the dough that thin too, takes lot of elbow grease but worth the effort. Glad pc is fixed, snatch it as soon as S is finished with it! Hahaha!!

Trisha must buy a laptop from college which costs $2000+ but it's fully loaded and they guaranty repairs free for 4 yrs. Everything in the U is connected to these laptop, so we must it from them. Now we are going to have 2 extra laptops at home!:P

Cham said...

Oh my God U ve tons of patience to do with fingers, They came out excellent! Happy to know the parota came out perfect and you all enjoyed!

Finla said...

Priya yeah i can never stom watching them making and i know it is shamefull to drool, but i can't help it :-)

Asha hi hi once in a while I have to go back to my roots :-)
The main reason I didn't make these parota was also it was difficult to get thin layer, but with this recipie i could make them thinner.
2000 dollars I am glad Shyama is still just leaning in school.

Raks said...

HC,You rock with this one! Looks so good:)Hope you enjoyed it!And stepwise pictures are very helpful to understand too!

gtyuk said...

Layered parottas has come out well, Mmmm... so tempting!!

Laavanya said...

I'm a big fan of these parottas and my dad makes these really well though I remember that it's a lot of work.. so i usually buy the frozen ones.. You've done a wonderful job! Looks awesome.

Dershana said...

I love watching those streetside vendors go about rolling those porottas too! Your's look just perfect, I never manage to get the layers right.

Pam said...

Yum. I've never had parotta before but it looks and sounds fantastic.

Snooky doodle said...

I ve never heard of parotta but they look good.

Rina said...

Thanks Happy..for the recipe...Will try the mutta parotta too..

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of hot porottas too and this one looks really tempting...that layers makes it special..drooling

Ramya's Mane Adige said...

I always look at these parottas and wish to make them myself sometime.... BUt I am very scared, somehow!! I feel like they are too difficult to make or something.... Yours look perfect and nice!!!!

Retno Prihadana said...

I love this layered Parotta, served with curry .......hmmm, lecker!

Pallavi said...

wow the parotta looks great. I've never tried them like this, but I guess that's a Kerala specaility. It still looks really yummy.

Rajesh &Shankari said...

OMG! the parottas have been browned perfectly and look like the one's I have eaten in Madurai on the road side.

HC- I am really really sorry I could not participate in the Christmas event. I have a back that does not co-operate with me very much, so was bed ridden most of the month.

Manju said...

wow!! they have actually come out layered...i tried this twice..but didnt get that many layers :( i think it requires a lot of patience!!

Varsha Vipins said...

droolllllllll..this is pure torture gona make it..:)

Anonymous said...

this is indeed a na...TREASURES!! I favorited ur site not just a bookmark!! I have soooooooo much to learn and experiment with here...Awesome!

Vaishali said...

How pretty are these? My husband loves these layered parottas, and now I think I'm craving them too after seeing yours. Lovely job, Happy!

amna said...

Ah the Kerala Parotta! Never had the inclination to try this myself. Good one though, all Keralites love you more now ;)

jayasree said...

Wow, HC, it has come out so well. Like a Pro. You are tempting me to try it.

Anonymous said...

Tell your daughter blogging is so much more important than her studies ;-)

Layered porotta looks great, haven't had the Kerala ones but we have a similar version and it tastes heavenly

Sandeepa (Bong Mom's CookBook)

Lakshmi said...

woow they have come out perfect and they look so tempting HC. Cham's recipes are gr8! I have tried a few too esp Kalakand which I gladly passed over too my relatives in India :)

Sara said...

Wow, looks great. I need to try this soon!

Mahimaa's kitchen said...

oh wowwww.... i want it. can we do it in wheat flour? does it come out as good as white flour?

Sum Raj said...

woo hoo..those look tempting..i have already bookmarked..will try it soon..

Anonymous said...

Dear HC, these look so flaky and rich, I would love to try right away! Maybe on a weekend I can do this, too. I am not so good with breads :)

I just got my daughter on high-speed internet and she can't stay away from her computer, either :)

Unknown said...

the paratha have realy come out so good..they look so tempting..

CurryLeaf said...

I surely think we have something in common,I too made this sometime back.Looks perfect HC,nice that you too step by step pics,I did not.

Adlak's tiny world said...

wow wow gr8 i was searching for this a long time.. thanks for sharing.. book marked .. looks so tempting.. sure will give a try this sunday and let u know.

Navita (Gupta) Hakim said...

oh i love lachchedaar paratha (as we call it up north) i first ate it in 'parathe wali gali' in delhi! love the pics...

notyet100 said...

thy look so yum...:-)

Bombay-Bruxelles said...


Wow! I'll try your method. I've never been happy with the results of my parottas! Yours look so nice

Anonymous said...

I love parathas.. more than roti, but cannot really afford to eat them daily (yeah I make rotis everyday) for health reasons:-( good things always come with a price to pay ha!

Well most of the times i make layer parathas, they are flaky. & sometimes the triangle ones. Urs look like professional.

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Beautiful! I so want to try this, any left-overs ;)

Mallika said...

Is it like Laccha Parathas of the North? Looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

These look really good. I used to make them, but with the amount of oil that goes to the parotta, we stay away from it.

Sunshinemom said...

They look so tempting! So are we going to see more of the action in the kitchen?:) I thought a rolling pin would be easier, but then I haven't made them yet!

Finla said...

Shankari don't worry when i didn't get you entry i knew you would have been busy or sick.

Mahimma if you use with atta flour it is not same. If you want the real kerala parotta it has to be with maida.
Sunshinemom i tried with the rolling pin, but that didn't go, so i decided to use my fingers, whcih i am surprised to say went very easy.

Nithya Praveen said...

I have failed miserably making this parottas earlier.Will try u method.....its definetly a cumbersome job.Urs look very tempting.

Peter M said...

Happy, these look yummy and I'm always looking to learn of a new street food.

kamala said...

Came out so perfect HC..I too have a similar one like Cham..Yeah doing it by hands is more easier than rolling pin..Grt job

Madhavi said...

WOW paratha looks awesome, greatttt entry!!

Thistlemoon said...

Those look so tender and tasty!

AnuSriram said...

Wow.. look at the layers.. ! Delicious parathas!

suvi said...

wow, these parathas look yummy. Your layers have come out so nicely, I'm too lazy to make these...always buy the frozen ones. You make me want to try these!

Dewi said...

Gosh I can munch thousands (well, sort of) of this parotta. It's my favorite Indian bread.

Dibs said...

Yes I've been planning to try Cham's parotta as well! Yours turned out very well! I think I'll follow your example and try with my fingers instead of a roller!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Beautiful and so appetizing! A wonderful speciality!



ranji said...

MY ALL TIME FAV..i also made it from cham's was really previous attempts were a failure until i saw cham's instructions!!urs has come out perfect just like a professional's

BR Guest Host said...

I've always wanted to make my own, but thought it too difficult. You make it look so easy, and I'm tempted to give it a try. Thank you so much for contributing it to this week's Bookmarked Recipes!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are so beautiful! I've nevere seen these amazing parotta's before! I can always count on you to teach me new, delicious dishes!

Anonymous said...

these are lovely!!! thanks for sharing... :)

Dori said...

Looks so perfect and delicious!

R said...

Got reminded of those days, when they used to add egg and make parotta's at home. Thanks dear :)

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anudivya said...

I love Parottas, and I never get them right when I make with Atta... I guess some things are just meant to be eaten a certain way and your is certainly one of the best. So is Cham's.