Wednesday 1 August 2012

Strawberry Mousse

I know it is w while I posted something here or that I have visited your blogs, not that I have forgoten aobut my or your blog, just  thaat as I mentioned in my earlier post that it is summer holidays and Shyama is home and I am busy with other things.
It will be like this till the begning of September.
Shyama became 20 years last week , years seems to go so fast.
So this is the dessert I made for the dinner party.

For 4 glasses ( Depending on the glass size)

12 Biscuit rose de Reims if you don't get this you can use savoiardi biscuits, ladyfingers.
2 gelatine leaves ( or 1 coffee spoon of agar agar) I used gelatine
300 gm strawberries
60 gm sugar
1 eggwhite
250 ml cream
Few tbsp of strawberry Liquor or strawberry coulis ( i used Liquor )

Powder the cookies.
Puree 250 gm strawberries in a blender
Add the puree in a pan and bring to boil.
Add the gelatine leaves in cold water for few minutes. When they are soft take them out from the water, squeezing hard so there is not water left, add this to the hot strawberry puree and stri well untill they are mixed good. Leave this mix to coolk a bit.
In the mean time add the sugar in a pan together with 2 table spoon of water and bring to boil till it gets to 120°c.
Beat the egg whit stiff, add the sugar syrup into the egg white and continue beating timm the egg white is cold.
Fold  egg whites into the strawberry puree carefully.
Whipp up the cream thick and add fold this to the strawberry mix carefully.
Divide half of the powdered biscuits into the glasses. Add 1 to 2 tbsp of the liquor or couli.
Spoong the strawberry cream mix into the glasses. Top it up with the rest of the powdered biscuits . Top up with the rest of the liquor or the couli and leave in the fridge for atleast 3 hours.
Before serving slice the reamining strawberries , top them on the top of the glasses and serve.


  1. Belated tons of b'day wishes to Shyama...Mousse looks extremely wonderful.....I wanted to try this when strawberries are plenty in season...but when i had strawberries i ran out of whipping cream and vice versa....

  2. that looks divine.I love mousse and mostly have to make chocolate mousse as fresh stone fruits ar not at their best here. would love to relish on this Finla.

  3. wow Finla, this looks AMAZING! So are those photos. Simply summery and pleasant!

  4. Perfect treat for summer :) Love those cute spoons .Once again happy b'day to Shyama :)

  5. Looks absolute yum with fab pics

  6. Belated birthday wishes to Shyama,may god bless her.

    Mousse looks absolutely delicious,elegant and damn fabulous.

  7. Splendid and looks refreshingly delicious Finla ..Strawberry are in season now so will try out the recipe..hugs


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