Monday 27 August 2012

Filled Pate A Choux Swans Daring Bakers August 2012

Yesterday morning when I got up I really thought it was 27th and suddenly I remembered that I still not have made my Daring Bakers.
And I was like oh noooooo I am going to miss DB again as I havent's done Daring Bakers for last 2 months and I didn't want to miss it again.
So I send Hans to the shops to buy Cream as that was then only ingridient I didn't have at home for making this.
So instead of having a relaxed morning I was busy in my kitchen making this months challenge so that I could post it.
And in the hurry I did burn my first batch of swan necks and also while assembing I did break few of then as they were so delicate, all in all it is not a good idea to do something in a hurry.

So after evening dinner I sat down infront of the computer , and clicked to my blog and clicked new post and then I looked down to the right corner of the computer and saw it was only 26 th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I said to myself you Idiot, why were you in such a panic.
I guess I am getting old or it is the summer holidays that one doesn't have a clue what day it is.

Kat of  The Bobwhites is our August 2012 Daring Baker hostess who inspired us to have fun in creating pate a choux shapes, filled with crème patisserie or Chantilly cream. We were encouraged to create swans or any shape we wanted and to go crazy with filling flavors allowing our creativity to go wild!
I used the same  recipe for the Choux Buns  which I use always when ever I make them, so I sticked to my trusted recipe and I filled half with whipped cream with vanilla essecna and the other half with coffee flavoured whipped cream.



  1. Well done!!! Ahahahaha you weren't last minute after all ;) Sounds like the kind of thing I could do too!

  2. You burnt and you broke swan necks, cruel girl!

    Really admire you daring bakers, i sweat to make even an ordinary cake!

  3. dear Finla these look beautiful:)

  4. Your swans are beautiful, well done. Come join my event sometime.......

    You are welcome to join in my monthly food blogger event THE SOUP KITCHEN, here for entry details and current theme. New theme each month. All bloggers are welcome, hope to see you participate soon.

  5. I am sorry if you don't see the comments you posted in this post. I accidently deleted them.

  6. You make such exotic stuff Fin. I have my mouth wide can you eat that, so beautiful.

  7. I forgot the db challenge too - am i glad - loved the challenge !! is it awesome loved it :)))

    your swans are so cute

  8. Beautiful!!.. I would never eat them :)

  9. Would you believe I did the very same thing with the pastry Finla... even argued with the hub that it was the 27th! Love your swans ... beautiful! This was quite a fun satisfying challenge, wasn't it?

  10. Your swans look so beautiful Finla. I guess the burning and breaking happens under pressure :)
    Looking forward for the recipe.

  11. beautiful swans...real art work!


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