Thursday 1 March 2012

Daring Bakers February 2012 Blueberry Muffins

As you know from my earlier post, I am in US having a month holiday with my sis and family  and I didn't want to miss the DB.
I will write ( edit ) this post when I am back home as I have not written nothing about the challenge or who hosted this month.
My sis and I made this muffin together for a sunday actually not for DB, but then I thought why not click a picture for the DB.
Recipe was from Alton Brown, I will give the link when I edit this post in few weeks.
Just Sharing the picture with you all.


  1. what nice muffins Finla and look delicious!:)

  2. enjoy your trip! Have fun and see you in a few weeks!

  3. Muffin looks delicious. Enjoy your stay with ur sis:)

  4. Looks very pretty Finla, enjoy your vacation..:)

  5. Muffin looksyum,..enjoy ur holiday,

  6. Looks lovely. Look forward to your recipe.

  7. I hope that you are having a blast. I did not realize that DB is still around.

  8. love blueberry muffins are my favorites!!


A warm welcom to my place. I am happy to have your comments and feedback, good or bad :-)
I will answer any questions you have, as soon as it is possible.
Thankyou for visiting and hope you will be back soon for more delicious cooking.