Wednesday 31 August 2011

Wind Mill,Black and White Wenesday

Till now I have only had food post here.
But there is this weekley even called Black & Whtie Wedenesday and I have been wanting to join .
So few days ago Hubby and I went with bycycle to this Mill in Sluis / Nederland were we can buy flour and it is from this place I buy my Spelt and all the other variety of flour which I make my bread and it is far cheaper than the shops.

So this is my firt pic for the event and I am trying to join in more often too :-)


  1. I never knew windmills made flour - I always thought they had something to do with power generation!

  2. I love this pic Happy Cook! gloria

  3. I would love to visit this place.. Nice pic !!

  4. Great click, it has that old time charm to it.

  5. You are so lucky. I want all of those flour too :)

  6. Something very new , windmill and flour ..lovely click Finla..hugs and smiles

  7. One of the most charming and interesting shots in Week 8 gallery.
    Thank you, Finla, for sharing it for BWW. (I am catching up with comments fr/ last week.)


A warm welcom to my place. I am happy to have your comments and feedback, good or bad :-)
I will answer any questions you have, as soon as it is possible.
Thankyou for visiting and hope you will be back soon for more delicious cooking.