Monday 17 December 2007

Caramel Tart & Click

The monthly event is there again and this time they have gone really NUTS about NUTS. You all can guess whom i am talking about. The famous duo from Jugalbandi.

They indeed are going nuts over nuts for this months click event.I have never seen so many ideas with nuts. Some of these ideas are wonderful just check it out here.
I thought I will make something with nuts and send them.So I made this Caramel Tart.
I got the recipe from Food Lover's Journey the only varitaion i made was adding few raisins and I used Pecan Nuts instead of Walnuts. I am glad I made them they were just Delicious.

Few of the ingridients

Pastry is ready

For the nut caramel



  1. I am so glad you like these. thay are addicted, aren't they? I like your addition a lot. Pecan nuts are my fav, too. But it's not cheap here where I am. Again, great job!

  2. wow HC! that looks yummy! I can't wait to dip my fingers in that caramel pudding:) hehee

  3. I just wanna pick out all the nuts from the tarts :)

  4. Love all these great desserts! These tarts look good with caramel and nuts!

  5. The tarts look abolutely delicious F, perfect pic for CLICK :) I'm still working on mine!!

  6. nice one .. neer made any tarts..would like to try your tart!

  7. walnuts raisins :) what's not to like.

  8. Great entry with that happy cook!Thats a worth drool picture!

  9. Ooooh happy cook those look delicious keep these wonderful recipes rolling in !! :)

    Rosie x

  10. Anh yeah it is really addictive. I am going to maje them again for the christmas eve dinner. Here to pecan nuts are expensive but i thought for once i will indulge

    Manasi Desai Ha ha that is exactly i did when i was making the caramel

    Cynthia i had a bit of caramel left after topping all the tart and i too picked up the nuts and raisins

    Meeso thankyou

    Namratha waiting to see your entry

    Kalva try this from anhs blog they were really easy to make especially the pastry

  11. Sig are you drooling :-)

    Richa agree with you

    Rakhs kitchen thanlyou too

  12. Those tarts look really delicious!!


  13. wow, my happy!
    excellent, dear.

  14. Caramel...hmmm. my favorite. This is definitely going on to my "must try recipes" list

  15. caramel pudding are my!!! thats a grt entry dear...tarts looks superb..

  16. Delicious Happy, these tarts look amazing the pictures are great. I imagine how good all the ingredients taste together and you make them look so tasty! :-)

  17. yummy tart and pic looks beautifulllll happycook

  18. nice dessert happy cook, btw after i saw your duck in orange sauce, im inspired to make orange and rosemary glazed chicken.

  19. oooh! those tarts look delish...i keep thinking of making pastry from scratch and then chicken-put the last min ;)

  20. oh yum!!! caramel is my favorite dessert flavor, i think -- even better than chocolate!

  21. Sigh!!! Yummyyy! Pecan nuts...Hmmm no words to describe...

  22. lovely looking tarts. Caramel, nut and raisins..yum !

  23. lovely tarts! great entry for the event!!

    your christmas cake looks perfect!

    F, missed so many posts... i was in hospital for a few days.

  24. Sunita thankyou

    Coffee and Seena thankx there were lovely

    Sowjanya thry them you will be also adicted, i am planning to make again for christmas

    Remya i love them too i never had a recipi for it untill i sa in Anh's blog

    Jeena thankyou comming frm you i think that has to be a very good compliment :-)

  25. Sagari thankyou

    Ti well that sounds great orange and tyme chicken

    Rajitha these pastry were really easy to make in the food processor

    Katy i am a greedy hog i like both caramel and chocolate

    Remya's Mane thankyou

    Rachel and Pravs thankyou

    Lissie i was thinking what happened to you as u have not posted anything new to your blog, i thought u must have been busy with the christmas preperations

  26. These look so good, and sinfully rich! I would love to take a big bite. It looks based on the ingredients like they have a lovely, salty-sweet taste. Yum!

  27. Yummy Tarts F. Hope Hans and Sha has recovered enough to devour them all!:))
    Yesterday, Tushar had Guitar concert n his school, I was so scared that I would start coughing,so was ready with lots of cough drops!:D
    Concert was great.Tomorrow is the last day of school until Jan 3rd and they want to skip the school tomorrow and go out for lunch!! Might do that and go to the library too to get few books so they don't eat my brain for next 2 weeks!
    Merry Christmas to all of you!:))

  28. Cakespy they indeed were delicious. I am planning to make them again for christmas

  29. Asha Both Hans and Shyama are alive and kicking after the sickness.
    Shyama finished her exams today so afternoon she went with eight of her friends to the shopping street and then had planned to go for a movie but she rang home to say there was something wrong in the movie mahal and no movies today so now i have 9 teenagers in my living room watching a rented DVD. You can imagine the laughter comming frm the room.
    After the movie they all are going to the French fries shop for french fries etc.... you know in Belgium there is every way a french fries shop. I will write a post about it when i have the time

  30. What a superb cook u r???One day you do soup,next day curries,then cakes tarts??Hats Off!!

  31. HC, take a look at my blog to see what I did with your idea

  32. The tarts look wonderful.
    Great pictures.

  33. Dear Happy Cook
    Wishes come all the way from Botswana for a happy Christmas and exciting New 2008.

    Tried some wedding cakes and birthday cake. Do have a look, after you holidays.

  34. its me thats gonna go "nuts" and "nutty" with this caramel tart!! hehehe, i just love it!!

  35. You made the pastry dough too? Cool. I like the pecan tarts though they can be very sweet after a few bites. Your tarts look fabulous.

  36. Looks great ! :) Mouthwatering recipe! :)

  37. Bharathy thankyou. You are also a good cook, i have drooled a lot of time in your place ;-)

    Shankari yeah when i saw the mail first think was i went to yout blog and was glad to see that you like the idea of my spice tea. For me also the spice tea is a keeper.

    The Cooker thankyou

    Anamika will check out your place to see the newer cakes , everytime i visit your place i see those special cakes

    Dhanggit thankyou, yeah the jugalbandi teem have made us all go crazy for nuts this month

    Lavanya yeah i did make the pastry, they were really easy to make in the food prosesor. I made the carame a bit darker so it was not that sweet.

    Latha Narasimhan thankyou

  38. Nice job! Your tarts look yummy :)

  39. Hey, very nice tarts...they look so yummy

  40. Tart looks very gr8...with nuts wow it is very rich and delicious.

  41. Tart looks very gr8...with nuts wow it is very rich and delicious.

  42. Very yummy looking. Happy holidays!

  43. That really looks yummy....hope u cud just reach out and dig my fingures in it...:)

  44. They look so wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  45. caramel tart,wonderful.Carmel and nuts,thats enough for me. looks delicous .Bookmarked to try.

  46. The tart looks so good. Made me think of bakery back home. I love tarts any form is welcome. Happy New year & merry Xmas

  47. Maryann thankyou

    Maya Shanbhag thanx

    Usha they indeed are really delicious

    Malika Happy Holidays to you too

    Daily meals thankyou

    Bhags I know how you feel now that the tarts are finished in my place i too want to have them :-)

    Meera thankyou

    Madhavi if you try them you will be really surprised how easy they are to make

    Mocha Happy Newyear to you also. Yeah in one of the bakery i know back at home also have this tart.

  48. I like this. I am fond of making desserts and this one is already crunching in my mouth.
    Absolutely yummy

  49. It's early morning in Oz and I have just had breakfast, but I want one of these - now!


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