Monday 24 September 2007

Drumstick Curry

When i saw this recipe in Malabar Spice... (she have so much delicious looking dishes) i remembered when i was at home in kerala my mom always made this dish exactly like mallu girl makes.
The mangoes i bought were hard but when i opened up it was having the ornage colour, but still i made the dish saying i will have to wait long if i want to really have the same mangoes like we get back in India.

I made this first time last month and then it tasted it so good that i made it again now.

You can find the recipe here Mallu girl adds shrimps and jackfruit seeds. I didnt add them so without the shrimps it is a vegetarian dish.

Garlic, onions, drumsticks etc....

End Result....


  1. Great combo with Drumsticks and mango!Looks delicious!:))

  2. Wow..fantastic looking curry. This with steamed rice (preferably sona masoori) is a totally comforting food on long days.

  3. we make it at home all the time too :) i love the flavour of drumstick!

  4. Its lovely dish THC. Tks for sharing. RCI is on. Expecting an entry from you. Viji

  5. I love drumsticks in any form dear.....Great looking dish :-)

  6. Thanks you Asha

    Yeah pooja, i just had the dish yesterday and the way you say to eat it with plain rice, i want to eat again. But pity there is no left overs

    Thanks pushpa

    Nags when i was home we also had this dish when it was mango season.

    Vcuisine- Vji You can expect a post from me ....

    Sirisha I like drumsticks, but my daughter and hubby loves them :-))

  7. I don't use drumsticks a lot except in my sambar. I must try this when I gt a chance.

  8. I love drumsticks, we used to have this tree in our backyard in India and loved the taste of ds are very costly when bought fresh...and frozen is not that tasty to make curries out of it, I simply use it in sambhar... This recipe looks so delicious

  9. beautiful and divine looking curry. very rich indeed. wonder how the mangoes in it would have tasted.

  10. WOW........nice recipe of drumstick. Thanks for sharing.:)))

  11. thanks for trying this out.. i do love the veg and the nonveg version of this curry.the drumstick makes all the difference, right?

  12. TBC. Normally i also only use it in sambar, but then i saw this recipie in malabar spice and it reminded of my moms dish so i had to try it.

    Padma back at home we also had a tree and then when it was season my mom used to make different dishes with the drumsticks, she even makes a dish with the leaves from the drumstick tree.

    Sharmi as my mangoes were not that green they were tasting a bit sweet, but still they were delicious.

    Kajal it was my pleasure.

    Mallugirl, i was so happy when i saw the recipe in your pa&ge and i tried to do like you :-)))

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Drumstick curry must be tasting great. Nice combo.
    You have pictured it very well.

    We make it a different way without adding mango.

    BTW I have added your blog to my blogroll. Hope it is fine with you.

  14. seec thanks for adding me in your blogroll.
    I think my mom also makes it without mangoes when itis out of season

  15. Never cooked a drumstick curry before! Can't wait to try this, it looks delicious.


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